More wonderful insights from "Trust" by Iyanla Vanzant"
"When you are taught to think that you are inherently wrong, that something is wrong with you, and/or that you are guilty, you see others in the same light. These thought forms and the energy they carry not only make you suspicious, they become the filter through which you see everyone and everything. When these thought forms and thought filters of wrongness and guilt are then shaded with a belief system grounded in inferiority and superiority based on race, your instincts, reflexes, and reactions become knee-jerk rather than reality based."
"When you think that someone else thinks you are wrong or guilty because of the color of your skin, your responses to them are not grounded in reality. They are the result of programming and conditioning."
"By the same token, when people think that who you are is wrong, or that you are guilty of something simply by virtue of your race or skin color, their responses to and interactions with you will be knee-jerk and preprogrammed rather than genuinely appropriate to any specific situation. Unfortunately, whether you are reacting to your own internal programming or you are being reacted upon because of someone else's programming, in many, many cases, the reaction is unconscious and, therefore, difficult to acknowledge or correct. As a human being, you fight for what you believe, whether you know you believe it or not. When what you believe is unconscious, you may not be able to control or monitor the ways you fight to prove it is true." Iyanla
These unconscious beliefs of wrongness; whether it be you or others who are wrong, or right, truly does create a shield over reality. We unconsciously block reality and then believe we are right about what is 'wrong'...or wrong about what is right.
Never truly seeing anything but our beliefs.
What I have come to learn is that I wasn't seeing 'wrong' folks, I was literally looking wrongly at life.
This is a huge difference; and leaves everyone as they are.
When the programmed beliefs of mine dropped, it was to see how wrong I was taught...NOT how wrong others were.
What we call "judgement" literally is what we believe to be true.
It doesn't make it true - just what we were taught was true.
This may confuse many and your own beliefs may argue as you read this.
There is an odd comfort in believing you are right and a discomfort in knowing you may be wrong.
Even today, my old beliefs wiggle and squirm when an old right is made wrong.
I am not sure there is a bigger culprit of creating judgement than churches.
Each presents their beliefs to be right and in doing so colors everyone else wrong.
The very organizations that proclaim love and peace really teach the opposite.
Allowing and accepting everyone as equals would render churches mute.
They would just be a structure with pretty windows.
Funny, in a peculiar way, how they have colored glasses.
Perhaps an unconscious sign they don't see clearly.
In my heart of hearts, I know that I have judged and rejected many with my beliefs. And, what it cost me not to see clearly. My programming inside of my head was completely screwed up.
Many worry about the badness of others or their lifestyle or political views....and their religious upbringing. Few ponder what program lives within them.
How do you see other humans in this world, their color, country or lifestyle?
Who is correct and who makes it so?
Or maybe it is easier to look deeply into what you feel is wrong and why.
The right world is most likely the one you were taught to live in.
How wide of a circle is this one right world and who does it include and who more importantly does it exclude.
What a right religion excludes, shows the size of their inclusiveness.
The smaller the circle the more cult-like and extreme its beliefs.
Many feel that the world would come apart at the seams if it weren't for churches. I believe it would fall free in love, peace and joy.
Imagine a world where there were was no judgment?
Where humanity had a zillion expressions of right being.
I am so very grateful each time an old belief is proved wrong by a wonderful loving being; showing me it is so.
It is so much easier living outside the 'sins' and wrongs of the church.
When my church lay in tattered ruins...a brilliant reality arose.