I think I figured out the reason Cancellation is such a trigger for me. In the old days when I was separated from me due to religion and abuse, I didn't know how to stand firm for me. The way free from abuse is to have the freedom to choose and to stick to your guns, if you will. AND, to even spot a Self worthy of freedom, of choice, and a voice.
Most often, I see the cancellation be for the need of other. Or, even as some shared, for the mental mind. It is rarely good for the soul.
I see freedom of choice and the power to stick to your passions, loves and desires...as embracing the soul of who you are. The deeper nature of you grows each time you declare this is my moment in time and this is what I choose to do.
I see the split between what you should do, are expected to do and then what makes your soul sing. Often cancellations puts your soul on hold.
I lived separated from mine for 46 years.
And, the past decade has been spent defining me.
Does this makes sense to anyone?
Following your soul or even more importantly, finding who your soul is, means to pay close attention to your actions and words and how you follow through or when and who your veer off course for.
Be inspired to be YOU!