Today we Vote.
Each day we vote.
We vote on the choices we make and why?
We vote on evolution or progression....
We vote to try and stop evolution.
We vote with our voices or our silences.
We vote for with the friends we make and those we cast aside.
We vote with our inner feelings.
Some in fear and some with awareness.
We vote awake and we vote while under the spell of ignorance.
Some votes matter more than others.
Yet each vote we make defines to ourselves who we are and what we stand for.
What we see as our future or cling to our past.
Each of us paddle our own canoes...and the directions we seek.
Each of our voices matter.
We are a integral part of humanity.
We do sway its balance.
Let your voice align with your inner soul of who you are.
Vote and add your imprint upon humanity!