"What is most important to you, is a good first question to start learning about who you are." Jonathon Fields
Some may not even know what is important, for we are so busy just living a repeat day from the one before. Life on cruise control.
Do you ever stop and ask what is most important in your life?
Have we been handed down "importance" and believed it?
Is your "importance" different than that of your parents
and, friends?
Based upon your actions, the 'important' thing to you is how you are living.
The choices you make and why.
Once you recognize your importance, you eliminate choice.
For what is most important has a certain path.
There is a word, a feeling that leads your every move.
Can you name it?
You defend it always by your choices. Rarely are you disloyal to this importance.
This importance is how you see you.
It becomes you.
What is most important to me...has its markings in all facets of my life.
It is the trace of me that I bring to all that I do.
I love this question!