I think the more you see insanity, the more you are required to act sane. When the outside changes, the more you are asked to look deep within. Look upon your own insane thoughts and beliefs. What part of reality are your refusing to accept? And, what was your part in the creation of this insane world?
It is easy to expect others to do things differently, IT is much harder to ask yourself to change. Not only ask, but literally do it!
While it seems that the whole world is in a tailspin, it actually could just be the natural evolution towards personal revolution.
We all need to be nudged to grow. Some of us need a harder shove than others.
Regardless, the more you are excited and agitated by the news and its implications, the only place you can create change is within your personal life.
When my father's abusive nature came to light. I wasn't able to do a darn thing with anything about that. Not him, the courts, the family and its legacy. But, I could be the one small kernel of change.
While it was a tiny piece in the big machine of abuse, it was very impacting on me and those around me.
If we can all stop the outward agitation and outcry and do something empowering within our own lives, it will eventually change our planet.
I became a spokesperson for speaking out, for women in new directions. I would not have done this if there hadn't been an interruption in my comfortable denial. If, I had not been forced to look at what I had contributed to promoting of dysfunction.
I was not innocent.
When we look at the imbalance, we all are part of this big equation.
If we are not upset by the new rules, we are the ones who are used to privilege. And with that specialness, we have allowed others to suffer due to their lack of specialness.
My father was an abuser. I was in denial of it. I played a part in letting the illusion of family continue.
If we don't stay with reality and our place in it, we will be promoting fake realities.
Perhaps our president, is only showing us the dark side within all of us.
The power we wish we had to push our own agenda.
Making other people change in order for us to be less fearful.
To me, the more insane it appears, the more real it actually is.
I think, we are all half asleep to the realities that surround us.
We are all guilty of not wanting to know the realness of many.
It would be shockingly horrific to know, that what we see on the news IS the belief of many.
What I know for sure, is that the insanity that I witnessed within my own family and their beliefs and denial was being played out in a million other places.
When reality isn't accepted, we are all part of the insanity making.
We need most, to look deep within our own lives to see what we don't want to see.
To feel, to express and to act our own truths and to be with our deepest fears.
And, walk with them.
Fear, literally is courage walking.
It is easy to push hard for others to behave, so you don't have to change your world.
If only others would do this and that, so your fears would die down.
What about you?
What are you willing to do to have peace in your own world.
What fears are you willing to sit with and explore?
What are you willing to change?
What beliefs that you hold dear, that leave others powerless?
This is a wonderful opportunity to explore our own beliefs and how we are who we are.
What makes you you?
In order for you to go to heaven, who gets sentenced to hell?
How are you different from the power we see today? His agenda, may not be yours, but does yours allow for free will and self empowerment?
What changes do I need to still make so that others are allowed to be free, loved and equal?