When we as a society look for equality or that we are all the same, we are actually missing something.
We are all human beings for sure; but our life experience and the way the world has seen us is completely different. Different in how we were raised to see the world and others and even ourself.
Many of us were taught how to define ourselves by how we define "other".
We are made more by someone being less.
Or, less by someone being more.
We were taught what was right by who was wrong.
Can we as a society work to get legal rights when the minds, thoughts and beliefs are not changed?
We often believe we are fighting against color, sexual orientation, gender etc, when in fact, our own minds are the enemy.
What have we all been taught to believe.
We are not born with inequality, we are taught it.
How can we all challenge our minds on what we have been taught to believe?
Even the simple, yet challenging idea that some of us will go to heaven when we die and others will burn in hell. And, usually that means your church is right and the rest of us are wrong. Less than, not equal to you.
How many other ideas in your head are the seeds of inequality?
How many other beliefs condemn another individual?
Who is the one who needs to change; those who happen to been born different than your thoughts OR your thoughts?
I believe we are at a critical time where reality is here to challenge our minds/thoughts and beliefs.
We can easily blame others and want them to stay out of our country and world; but what we seldom do is look closely at why.
What would happen if you lost your beliefs and ideas of the world?
Whose lives would be so deeply affected?
What would happen to your life, IF your religion was wrong?
Where would your center be, if the center moved drastically to the left?
Or right?
We judge reality but never our own minds.
I think the political climate we are currently in is here to challenge our minds.
Forcing us to see the reality of what a mind looks like in real life; a mind in action.
What does your mind look like in action?
Who do you condemn and reduce to less than you?
I know, that my unaware mind was mad.
It was only when I could see the insanity of what it thought, did I then see a peaceful reality.
People are people, until we make them less.
Until we create an idea of who is better than.
What is more right and way more wrong.
We are not lovers of reality; but ones who fight against it to save our thoughts and beliefs.
The greatest enemy of humanity is our mind.
Or perhaps the unchallenged mind.
Changing your mind is the heroes journey.
It is to realize you are in prison and you have always held the key.
Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
Enlightenment happens when you go out of your mind.