While listening to a podcast, "Finding Mastery: Conversations with Michael Gervais" as he spoke to Chade-Meng Tan on Joy... they spoke about thin slices we can experience during the day.
His one example, was when your throat is dry and you take a sip of water, feel that!
I do this on my first few sips of Tea!
We often think it has to be big grand and expensive; that we have to travel far and strange and do adventurous things. But, you literally can feel joy, crawling into bed after a full day and laying your head on your pillow.
Or, the taste of chocolate, the sound of birds singing, the color as you paint a gourd!
Watching for tiny slices of joy will increase joy in your world.
One other thing that caught my attention was when they were speaking of peace.
How, when we are craving or desiring something, it steals our peace, because we can't be at peace until we have it. Whatever IT is.
Mine are simple cravings. Sweets. I am fine if they are at hand, but not so fine when they are not. Mostly, it would be thinking of what you 'should' have; but don't.
It is the absence of wanting, where peace is found.
Another thing that I am learning is how self care means taking time out for your self.
What I am finding, is that the more there is to do, the more 'needs' there are, the less I take care of me. Which is the opposite of what needs to happen. In the midst of busyness, is where I need my space the most.
A recharge.
A retreat.
Ask for a timeout!
As a busy mom, I rarely stepped out of being a mom and did something just for me.
Now, as a busy working, mom, grandma, I am finding it still applies.
Solo time, is key for me to stay in balance.
Sometimes we need to make waves in order to maintain balance and love, peace and joy in our worlds.
Joy is knowing it is up to me to design my life.
Today I will seek joy in simple things and see how many slices I find!
Slices of Joy is living!