"Hurt people hurt people. That is how the pattern gets passed on, generation after generation. Break the chain today. Meet anger with sympathy, contempt with compassion, cruelty with kindness. Greet grimaces with smiles, forgive and forget about finding fault. Love is the weapon of the future." Yehuda Berg
This kind of love, leaves the aggressor responsibility free. Will the world really change if the receivers receive negative treatment in a more kinder way???
Hurt people are allowed to be cruel, and we have to respond with kindness?
Will this really change the world to be more positive, IF we just respond as if nothing hurtful happened?
Forget about finding fault; which means letting the responsibility or assigning fault go, and carry on as if nothing happened. To me, it means not to blame.
I looked up the definition of blame.
"Assign responsibility for a fault or wrong".
Why is it so bad to place the responsibility of hurtful behavior with the person who is doing the hurting. Regardless why? If hurt people hurt people, the hurt people have to begin to look at why they hurt.
What is the core of their own pain?
Most often, when someone is asking us to forgive, forget and not assign fault, it is the victims that are asked to respond differently. Never the perpetrator.
Why not address the person doing the hurting?
Will change truly happen when victims respond differently to hurt???
Is this not then victim blaming, when the hurting doesn't stop?
This appears backwards to me.
What I have noticed, is that many adult children of abuse, seldom want to blame their parents for their messed up lives.
They do try and meet anger with sympathy, and yet the effects of abuse still live within them.
It isn't helpful to either party as far as I can see.
What if instead, we express the anger? Not at another innocent being, but at those who hurt us? Are we not allowed to express our emotions?
We no longer need to tolerate mistreatment; now that we are big ass adults and not helpless children?
What would happen if we did find fault with our parents in how they treated us?
The whole quote is literally how children respond to abuse.
And, it hasn't stopped the cycle from being passed on. It instead IS how it is passed on.
No one is addressing the person who is doing the hurting.
That person is never responsible, or to blame, or at fault.
The victims are held responsible to create a kinder world.
It will not end the cycle.
It has not ever changed a hurting person who is hurting others. Ever.
To me, doing the opposite will make a difference.
Meeting anger with a boundary.
Walking away from those who hurt you.
Ending relationships where contempt is coming at you.
Standing against cruelty, instead of being kind; leaving.
Hurt people will continue to hurt; until you stop allowing it.
Would my father have stopped hurting little girls IF we met his cruelty with kindness?
Really? Or would my mother grimace less, IF we were more kind?
Would their contempt towards us, have vanished IF we had compassion?
Doesn't this seem upside down and backwards; a dysfunctional response to life?
That paragraph is not the weapon of the future; but the creed of dysfunction.
Love has boundaries.
Love assigns responsibility.
Love knows that hurt people need to find the source of their own pain.
Love knows it is can't fix the inside of anyone; but themselves.
Love meets cruelty with understanding that the other hasn't healed their own pain.
Love knows contempt is a self reflection.
Love can only come from within.
The weapon of the future is self-exploration and falling in love with yourself.
The hurts inside of you, can only be healed by you. Not by another smiling at your anger.