I often hear others speak about anxiety.
I am never sure how to respond back.
What is it, and how does it seems so powerful as a voice, when there are choices to be made?
I looked up the definition to see if I have this feeling/emotion and frontman correct in its meaning.
"A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome"
Is it the unknowing that is the culprit OR the fact that we believe we should know, when it is impossible to know?
Or, are we uncomfortable with the uncertainty and its unpredictability and unreliable nature?
What is it that we fear?
Where does our anxiety truly lie?
Is it the mystery of what is yet to come, or our ability to respond and dance with the unknown?
What I do know, is that this dance with the unknown is often what has folks sitting out the dance.
Do we really really really want to know how things will go before they go?
Would life be very bland, if it was all laid out before us?
And, how can we know, that which we don't know?
How much control do we really have in life.
Getting comfortable with our lack of control IS the key to living a more adventurous life.
The reason I gave up anxiety, is that I thought I was in control and lived a very cautious life and then the worst happened anyway. So, there is no point in trying to ward off the things that will hurt you.
What I have learned in life, is while living we will all get hurt.
Relationships will break and our hearts with them.
But, we will go on.
We can chose to let anxiety be the gate that blocks us from engaging with so many different aspects of life that will bring us new experiences, friends and adventures. Or, we can stop with the lies anxiety speaks.
It can't know.
And, it isn't in control.
It certainly isn't certain about anything.
Anxiety is the friend who doesn't want to do anything. It for sure doesn't want you to turn away from its lists of all the bad that 'could' happen. It is at best a bad predictor of what is uncertain.
I still don't know what is the best answer when anxiety speaks as the frontman?
What would be the antidote to anxiety or what can we say to quiet its fake reporting of the future?
Is curiosity be the opposite of anxiety?