I wonder how can I be so neglectful to something I live so close to; my body.
My job has my body doing repetitive motions - daily for six out of seven days a week. My arms and shoulders catch the most strain.
I had been doing yoga off and on for over 12 years and then when I got active outside, I stopped.
I am now trying to get my body in shape for a hip replacement, and doing yoga is part of my plan.
I was shocked at how stiff I was.
How painful my arms were as they tried to stretch or hold a pose. Their cramped up muscles scream as they are now stretched in new directions.
And I am equally amazed how in three sessions, I am gaining ground.
I am leaving the pain on the mat and during my working day, I am in less stress -pain.
It was as if I had left my body and was out exploring nature - forgetting self- care. And, even believing that riding my bike and a hike now and again, would be sufficient for me.
I was taking care of my bad hips; but forgetting the rest of my body.
I feel more fluid after yoga.
My strength and balance has been good. I can still lock my knee and balance on one leg while posing in Standing Bow.
The few poses that had been giving problems still do; but the ones I was fairly far into, are coming back. I also know, not to push my hips in directions where there is pain. Yet surprisingly, the hips only keep me from doing a few poses deeply, and the rest of my body so needs to be doing yoga!
A friend of mine and I, are going to begin a 30 day challenge when I get back from a long weekend trip I have planned.
The other area that I am trying to work on is reducing my sweet treats and eating in ways again, that are helpful to my body.
It is like my mouth eats without regard for the body.
Doing both will bring me into surgery in a much better place for a better recovery. I have about 5 months to train for this.
What I have noticed about doing yoga, is I am much more aware of my body. It brings not only it condition in sight, but also how I engage with it.
My intention is to feel better after eating and moving.