I grew quite a lot in one year. I experienced things I had never done before and placed myself in situations that were beyond my comfort zone, and I grew.
I learned how much more I can do and what I am capable of and how the body will rise to each challenge, and I learned how individualized life is. No one really cares more about you; than you.
I learned I am not a racer. Trying to beat time didn't ignite me. I enjoy the activity and time actually fades away. It was fun to be part of a team! The real racers have perfected their skills and are real athletes! I am a joy rider! I love being outside with friends!
I learned that I can ride far and carry my own supplies. I learned that my fears are often huge in my head and in real life; quite small.
I was quite anxious wondering how I would make the ride, the camping and being among new women I didn't know. Setting aside my fears, it went remarkably well. I would LOVE to do this again. It was challenging, and I learned I need better gear; but it was so achievable! And, I made new friends and found new personal skills.
I wonder where I will ride and camp next year and with who? Who will meet and what new place will I discover?
And, I learned how to ride a Skegway! Talk about fun - it was discerning and funny all at once. In one short hour I felt like a pro! I would totally do this again. My fears, were falling and going out of control, and none of it happened. I can't wait for the next opportunity to do this!
And, the ladies of WIND, did a few overnight camping trips and we kayaked, biked and hiked. I had to learn how to pull a trailer! It was easier than I thought; but it does require you to think ahead. I would much rather have my kayaks on the jeep!
And, then I tried the paddle boards out! OH My, they are much harder than I thought, and I can see with a good hip, they would be fun to have. I would much rather be on the shores of Lake Superior than in town by a dock and bridge and boats. But, hey I was on one, and I stood up and paddled and steered it around - and fell. Another fear conquered.
And then I was part of a Copper Man Team - Team 49916 - And, my segment was to bike 23 miles.
Me among some great athletes again. My hat is off to those who really get into racing and building a strong body. But, as I learned earlier in the year, I am not a racer girl.
There were a few of us who dared to enter, knowing we would be in last place. I loved the cheerleaders, who recognize the courage it takes to be out of your element.
As my 58th year comes to a close, I know that I am a finisher! I have danced with my fears and won. I dared, (which was my word for 2017) and because I dared, I had a wonderful adventurous year!
I sit on the eve before 59, I am grateful for all that I did in one small year; not counting all the other less fearful moments of joy, hiking, biking, loving, creating, being.
Life isn't about being fearless.
It is about letting your fears ride along.
Gather them close, become friends and see where you will go!
I am so looking forward to being 59!
I will always look fondly at being 58 and how I grew!