It can be challenging to create a quilt that represents a feeling or emotion and for it also to look inspiring and not depressing, when the emotions are very soul engulfing.
When we first speak up about our abuse, it is completely terrifying and liberating.
The weight of what we have been dragging around, colors our view of life and self.
To even see a self separated from the abuse is a hard thing to conceptualize.
I starred at the empty beach that held the "before" and then the two women in the water.
I understood the freedom they felt and I know the weight of abuse, but how to depict what Judge Aquilina told the girls?
I first thought of words, that portrayed abuse, and then the idea of rocks came - rocks with words???
Or, just a pile of rocks.
Is this one pile, just hers - how much do each of us carry when our abuse goes un-noticed or disbelieved?
Does it grow as we grow?
Is our soul eclipsed by the weight of carrying the burden of the untold story?
I believe the weight we carry is the truth that completely opposes reality.
We carry it until we find someone who will allow us to unburden ourselves.
Someone who will allow us to lay down our reality, upon a "perfect" institution, family or church.
They allow our truth to be added, regardless of the cost; Whose reputation is soiled, or whose value is decreased.
The truth is allowed to just enter in.
We can lay it down.
Others will now carry part of our pain.