This past week, I listened and watched Dr. Christine Blasey Ford speak. I admire the courage it took to speak. As she said, she was the one lone voice against many.
I was surprised by my response to her speaking.
It brought back my own memories of speaking against the common view.
I then watched a Facebook video of Martha Beck, where she spoke about "Sanctuary Trauma". Where you are speaking about your trauma and you are doubted and made to feel shame and even thought a liar.
This is where I connected to Dr Ford.
I could feel the terrifying place she stood, speaking her truth, and having to deal with many who would doubt her story.
I am not sure I can once again articulate what this feels like.
To say words that others don't want to hear. And, instead of feeling their own disappointment, make you feel less for speaking it.
The trauma of sexual abuse changes who you are and then, when you are brave enough to speak of it, we are then made to feel less than for doing so. Not brave, but they have other words for us. Other feelings. You are not embraced and cared for, you are made to feel shame for speaking out.
It is to show your deepest wound and they barely cast a sideways glance and move on as if it isn't even there.
I love that Martha Beck too was triggered and unable to watch much of it. For it shows I am not the mental one.
I love that I now have a term to use and understand what this feeling is.
Sanctuary Trauma.
Instead of the sanctuary of understanding, our sanctuary place is one of trauma.
The worst part of being abused by a family member, is that the family then turns on you for speaking out.
In the beginning, I was hollered at, and ridiculed when sharing my truth. Sanctuary Trauma.
I felt like a scared rabbit and recall not knowing who was friend or foe.
I was being traumatized for speaking out.
Unless and until, you have the courage to speak out of your own sexual abuse, naming the perpetrator, and doing so with those who like/love him, will you understand this.
The volume of doubt and anger that is directed at you is mind blowing.
We did nothing to warrant this anger, we are merely the messengers, sharing another view of those you like/love.
We did not do the crime.
We are reporting the crime and are victims of the person you like/love.
And, we then are traumatized by you, because you can't bear the truth.
Here that.
You traumatize the messenger for giving you a truth you can't bear to hear.
It will not change the truth.
Just as the judge will not become a gentleman, anymore than my perpetrator return to being just a kind dad.
And, beating me up with words, doubts and coldness will not make it so.
The Sanctuary Trauma is why I felt so jittery for her and it brought me back to my early days.
She was in the midst of sanctuary trauma as we all watched.
To speak up knowing you will be doubted, shamed and made to feel a liar IS why so few sexual assault victims come forth. It is the fear and knowing of sanctuary trauma we don't want to endure.
To be re-victimized for sharing our original assault.
We blame the victim for the words she is sharing about someone we like/love.
Instead of looking at our own disappointment, feeling the relationship shatter, it is much easier to cast us aside as liars.
Looking at the arena that Dr. Ford is in, she is having volumes of people NOT want their person be wrong and they themselves be lacking, it is much easier to poke holes in her story than to see the wrong in themselves.
Who wants to be wrong?
Who is brave enough to admit it?
They would rather traumatize a woman they don't know or like as much, to keep their own version of the truth. To keep their agenda going in the direction that makes them most comfortable.
What I learned the most with my own sanctuary trauma is that very few want to embrace the truth. Most want their version of life to continue on, minus the truth of what is.
And, I know now, the words said to me, were words they really meant for themselves.
I thank her for showing humanity what courage is, and that no matter how you articulate the words, if they are words they don't want to hear, they will turn on you.
Victims know this.
This is the huge wall we are asked to climb, while being hit from all sides for speaking out.
Most, will not offer a word against the smallest of things. Fear disagreement.
Won't even utter a word against the majority on small things.
Sanctuary trauma is perhaps the toughest arena to be in.
You are knowingly speaking out against their opinion of someone that is important to them. You are casting the shadow upon their otherwise good character.
But really?
Is it possible to be a good man and an abuser?
In 14 years, I have never been able to find the common denominator between father and pedophile.
Is it possible to have a good supreme court judge who assaults women???
It just doesn't go together.
I believe her.
Because I know the cost for her speaking up. It is a personal cost. A very vulnerable cost.
I believe her.