Sometimes it feels like we are walking in circles, not getting anywhere, either personally or collectively. However, each of us carry a part of the evolution of humanity. We can only push back, IF there is something to push against.
Is it possible, that the struggle to find balance IS what pushes us forward.
Could there be any evolution if we began balanced?
There are times, I would love to insert new knowledge into people - but would be horrified, if that happened to me.
I believe, that each of us are changing and evolving, learning and growing at a pace that suits our souls.
After pondering who we can sort out the truth, I saw this article today.
This Article Won't Change Your Mind
What I love is how this article rings true in my experience.
And, a phrase I love the believe is "A mind convinced against its will is of the same opinion still."
In life we will all have moments and choices of whether to believe something or not. It doesn't matter which way you ultimately chose, for you will live with the choice you make.
Your mind will find peace or not, with how you chose to take in new knowledge.
It will either support your beliefs or challenge them. And, then you can either keep your beliefs, or change your mind.
I also, agree that no one but you can change your mind.
This is an inside job and done on your time line.
Nothing we can say, nor any proof to the contrary will change your mind.
It totally frees us all up to play!
We are not hear to teach or work to change anyone's mind.
I know, that most often I write to understand my self and my thoughts and even to challenge my beliefs. I write to find peace in my own mind.
In the writing out our fears, angers, frustrations etc, allows the mind to wrestle with what it believes it knows to be true.
Oprah was on to something, when her TV show was about getting what she called Ah Ha's. Where someone came on and made her look at life differently.
I love this too.
I seek books, podcasts and people who will show me a new view.
Living open to new possibilities.
Mostly, I LOVE that I am free to be Me. It isn't my job to change your mind.
You and your mind are a team that live together.
I hope it is a joyful ride.