Today ends this year. The Calendar will be changed tomorrow. A tool we use to mark the passage of a year. And as the new one is hung up, so are many hopes and wishes.
I no longer hold the year or calendar responsible for what it contains.
There are 525,600 minutes in a year. That sure doesn't seem like enough.
and, there are 1,440 minutes in a day.
Life is lived by minutes.
Not even days.
Or, hours.
How we spend our minutes is what the calendar will be filled with.
Some of us who own smart phones, it tells us how much time we spend on social media.
How interesting would our lives be, if there was a counter for everything.
Imagine your day,
and, your year.
Looking back I feel like I filled up my time relatively well.
Doing much of what I love to do and with people I love.
I even did a few things for the first time.
I would say, that on a scale of 1 to 10 - My year was a 9.9 and even a 10. I feel I did what I did with where I was at the time.
Perhaps my expectations of myself and time, have mellowed over the years.
And, I try not to plant hopes that are beyond my capabilities, or time allotment.
Or more still, I am content with who I am and the contents of my life.
I have a good life.
Maybe our contentment matters when the old year passes and a new one arrives.
Time finds us living in peace; instead of at war.
There is an odd dance between living life in this real moment, and playing fantasy games with time.
Mostly I am a realist; living in this moment of time.
Engaging with life as I am and where I am.
Being present with what is.
Living this way time passes, almost unseen.
And, perhaps it matters less.
And, I understand this state is tricky for many. Many of us survived by living outside of this moment of time. Living in the future, in our minds, was better than being in reality.
It is hard for me to recollect living there now. Denial fogged up reality distorting it and leaving me un-responsible for myself and my life.
Maybe the best way to use time is to understand that you are solely responsible for how you fill it up.
A new hour, day, week year awaits, and yet it is in this minute of life where we live.
How we spend the minutes, is how we spend the year.
Just as the old adage of take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves.
Happy New Minute!