What has been so affirming, in the journey of reclaiming myself and my body from a religion, IS how much the body has been used as a tool against us. And, how the mind turned into the enemy. It is as if I was living with two very unfriendly aspects of me - posing as friends.
The church's teachings about the body's sins, and how it was hell bent to bring us to hell, didn't allow me to connect to its wisdom. Body disassociation - living from the neck up; and even that wasn't good enough. Our thoughts and imaginations were also not good.
There wasn't a part of ourselves we could seek for refuge. It was to live separated from the very things that made us Us.
Years ago, when I found out that I owned my toenails, it was shocking.
I was separate from the large organization that ruled me.
There is a member of my old church who comes to the Art shows, and her first, and sometimes only words to me, are about my hair. "Nice dye job" - or "Interesting color" etc.
She only sees the sins of my hair dying.
She misses seeing me underneath the sinful hair. Just a sinful body.
A sinner.
An outsider.
What is hard for me to articulate is that when I was part of the religion, I was not a self, yet I didn't know it. I wasn't able to own/sense/feel or be attached to my body.
Even that sounds weird.
But, I can know how I was back then, by being with someone who is still under the trance/beliefs of the cult. There is no body or sense of self that is separate from the religion.
They are the religion.
But without a body and mind.
Again, I am having trouble depicting the cult and person. For the person is the cult.
And, yet they can see others as belonging (matching) or not.
When you exit a cult like religion, and have autonomy of your body/mind and soul - but you are unaware of how to engage with free will. You leave the cult and gain yourself - a body and a fucked up mind.
It is to wake up to a very skewed sense of self in a more than alright world.
Whereas prior the world was messed up and we were right.
Right, being a woman who doesn't have control over her own body.
I have tried to talk to many women who are still within the church about how they don't own their own bodies. They cannot see where they are powerless.
It is odd.
They are under the influence of the church; but unaware.
Their minds are completely minds of the church.
This isn't only in my old church; the First Apostolic Lutheran Church, but other churches as well.
Many of these organizations claim humanity, while infringing upon the rights of others, or stating what is wrong with them - being that they are the one right path.
Church members using god and jesus to disconnect people from their own inner truths and bodies.
Moving and living dead to the fact of their own body and mind, and its natural wisdom.
How foreign it would be to them and terrifying to own their bodies. To strike out against the church and its sins? To leave the church and rejoin and connect their body, mind and soul.
Horrifying at nature's dance.
Instead feeling the comfort and peace to live disassociated.
The reason I am not interested in finding a new religion, and/or going back to my dysfunctional family IS that I cannot disassociate from Me.
And, the unwritten or even written rules warrant that I leave me behind.
There were moments, that I felt that in order to make a choice that would be kind or gentle to the family and religion, I would have had to die.
I would have had to give up the newly found self.
She was real.
I could not turn away from her.
I do not believe that there would be very many adult people who would give up their minds, bodies and souls to enter into a religion. Which is why most enter in as a child.
They lose agency over their body and mind before they are even aware.
It is quite shocking to see women disassociated from their body and minds.
Ruled by an organization; unable to move separately. Think outside of its teachings.
I used to think there was a woman behind there.
But, I know from experience, there is not.
When I woke up I felt like a newborn. A toddler in her life.
Unable to make a decision for myself.
A choice with its own voice.
I had to walk into my life, sorting out what was Me and what was the church or dysfunctional family.
Each piece of my world had to be reconnected in ways that honored Me.
It is no wonder that the body's freedom and self expression seem awkward at best.
A wondrous vehicle of emotion, feelings, intuition, imagination, expression, passion, that I live in to be Me.
The body isn't Me.
And, the church doesn't own it anymore.
Nor is it a shameful part of the abuse.
It happened to it.
So, did religion.
My body and mind are tools used by the soul.
We live together experiencing what it is like to be a woman.
Oh, the years of my youth that I spent miles from my body.
The numbness.
And, yet I am lucky.
There are many who are born into the religions and who die there.
Unaware they have a body and a mind - unable to make a choice and use their voice for self-expression.
I feel I have lived two lives.
One without a body, and one with one.