I was halfway through my route, when a Bright Blue Ford Pickup Truck blew a stop sign and hit the back of my jeep, swinging me sideways, almost hitting vehicles parked at the Feedmill Cafe.
I caught the bright blue flash, as it barreled towards me, and before I could finish the thought, I was struck hard!
When I stopped I looked around for the truck, and it was nowhere to be seen.
This was a hit and run.
I am okay.
But, sadly the jeep is not. It runs down the road, but it is wounded.
I felt so violated by that truck.
Who strikes a vehicle and keeps on going, never looking back to see if I was okay.
The debris from both our vehicles littered the intersection.
I called the police.
I wanted there to be a report.
The officer, wasn't very helpful.
I hadn't moved the strewn pieces until he arrived. Once he surveyed the scene - I went to pick up the pieces. I found a piece that didn't belong to me, it was from a Ford. Which is why I know it was a Ford Truck. Part of his headlight and blinker.
My husband came and changed my tire and looked over the jeep to see if it was okay to continue on the route - it was.
Needless to say, my day had a punch to it.
The main thing is I wasn't hurt - just a bit sore from the jarring whip, but okay.
And, the jeep is drivable until it gets into the body shop.
My license plate lay crumpled in the snowbank. Looking like I felt - hit and abandoned.