Most women or humans in general, can tell you in a second, what they don't like about themselves. It is right there at the tip of their tongue; but can they tell you what parts they love?
We have so many moving parts to our lives, from our body, mind, soul, self, relationships and roles we live. Yet, we can get stuck on something we haven't fully accepted.
We may want something that is impossible to change, to change. Our minds chew on this on repeat.
What parts of your world do you love?
What things in your life feel brighter and lighter?
And, what brings you energy?
After hearing that we don't focus on what we love; but will repeat over and over what we hate, it was suggested to start talking to the things you love.
The biggest part of myself that I LOVE is my awareness. My ability to be right here right now. Even if, there are times I slip and wish this moment was different, or wish someone was there that isn't etc. For the most part I love that I can be with reality, even when it is soul crushing; or perhaps when life is at its worse I can sit right there.
This year I am looking to improve my being here, by not wishing to add someone or something to this moment in time. To let it be as it is. To allow others their freedom of choice, and be so okay with it.
I love my ability to be in the present. I can become so fully present that the rest of my life slips away. This happens doing so much that I love to do; it brings my mind back to my body, to be where my feet are.
I love my ability to have hard conversations; to be vulnerable and open.
I love being active, and allowing myself to be where I am. I admit, I would love love love to be badass; but mostly I am slow active. I am so grateful for all I can do, and all the places movement has brought me. And, the new friends I have met along the way.
I totally love being a grandma. I love watching the new little ones grow into their worlds. I love how they are showing us who they are. I love that I just get to be with them; and they are not my responsibility. My role is simply to enjoy their presence. And, I get to do this also with my children; now that they are grown. With less responsibility, my world is growing lighter.
I love feeling like an artist, and can blame my crazy, eccentricities and weirdness on the art that flows in me. I often feel like a living piece of art. And, I like uniqueness - imperfect mismatch things, which all looks like my life.
There is so much more to love about me and my life; than there is to hate.
The hate things, are no longer hated.
When I loved, what some would say is hard to love, my abuse, it allowed me to love the less ugly parts too.
In fact, they say in order to love yourself, you have to first love the very parts you hate.
And not to positive think over the top of them. But truly be understanding with those parts.
I love this body. And the million things it does for me. I even love my poor hips and how they try their best to accommodate my slow active fun. My extra pounds come along for the ride. My unwillingness to focus on weight loss - to enjoy the sweets of life.
I heard on a podcast, that after a difficult childhood; adulthood felt like a second chance at being a child. I often feel this too.
That after so many years living in the dark - denial, cult religion, survival mode etc - that I feel so much freedom to just be and do - a child like mode of living.
The rules are now gone and the weight of sexual abuse's secrets lifted. I am a free spirit.
I love where breaking the silence eventually brings you.
Perhaps loving the things you have been taught to hate about you and your life - will allow you to love all of you. The imperfections are perfect; coming from whence you came.
Imagine loving the imperfections.
Because, are they really imperfect?
Or more, what is perfect?
Imagine a world of people, loving who they are.
The energy of that would be quite remarkable.
And, they really don't have a choice, everyone else is taken.
You Be You, lovingly.