Truck and Driver have been found.
Thanks everyone for sharing this post!
This is a security camera image of the truck that hit me. It was taken by the camera at Karvakko's store. Today, I may be able to see the whole video. The owner said she thought it looked like the truck was going about 40 to 45 miles an hour. Just what I had thought as well. And, you can see the truck continued on up North Lake Road. She also said, the truck didn't slow down for the intersection.
According to the debris on the road, this is exactly where it should have been based on this picture.
It is a single cab truck, which should make it easier to find. Most trucks now a day, have backseats. It will be missing a headlight and blinker on the drivers side, and maybe a bit of my bright green paint.
There were ladies out for coffee in the Feedmill Diner, and they heard the crash, but didn't see the truck.
The driver may be in trouble, if they couldn't afford to stop at the scene of an accident. Perhaps it will be their wake up call. And, next time the damage may be much more significant than a mail jeep.
However, in my little world, the mail jeep is quite significant. They don't make right hand drive vehicles in the US anymore. We can get them, but you pay an extra $10,000 over what a new jeep costs. I would love to have this little jeep until I retire.
Thank you everyone for your kind words and concerns.
If you recognize this truck, Houghton County Sheriff's office is the one who took my report - 906-482-0050.