What I learned from the Hit and Run encounter, is that we bump into people all day long. We are exchanging experiences, energy and who we are, with everyone we come in contact with. And, we are left better, or worse off, by each brush along the way. We leave traces of ourselves on each other.
Some encounters have a ripple effect, and the consequences line up to be dealt with.
Perhaps all encounters ripple outward, and their energies stay with us, like an imprint.
We carry with us the energy that we hit up against.
The energy of the hit and run feels toxic and abrasive.
The lack of control within his own life, left me worse off for your encounter.
Gratefully it was only my jeep. He had spun me towards the parking lot of the feed mill. Thankfully no one was outside and that I didn't hit someone or a car - or that a vehicle was in the lane I crossed over.
His neglect in his world affects others he is in contact with, even if for a brief moment of time.
I will need to figure out a way to deliver the mail, while my jeep is in the shop for a week. It's an inconvenience that is all.
What it showed me is that we are affected by others. And some encounters can create added stress and bring in complications. They messy up your life.
The regularity and stresslessness of my life shows how little contact I have with folks who are out of control in their worlds. I am deeply grateful for my peaceful life.
Later on on my route that day, these two stood in the road, playing chicken with me.
Life is series of encounters. We can chose how we deal with each of them. I am very lucky that most things that I encounter on the route are beautiful and leave me feeling better.
I am happy I was the one who was hit, and not the hitter. He is facing much worse consequences from our encounter. Perhaps it will be his wake up call. That what we do, does impact others around us. Even those who we have brief encounters with. I hope he gets the help he needs. I can't imagine living a life out of control.