A friend of mine sent this to me this morning.
"Today is March 4th. A day to collect our strength and boldly march forth. A day, not to forget our struggles but to accept them regardless of how they have affected us. A day to march forth. To march with compassion, understanding and determination, no matter what the past has been, March 4th!"
I may have heard about March Fourth before, but I love the reminder.
I love the image marching brings up for me, a parade.
A colorful, magical, badass, marching parade.
A parade of humanity accepting the unacceptable; knowing they don't have a choice.
It is the route their lives have taken them down.
I am so grateful that I have so many badass friends. People who have gone through unbelievable pain and suffering, and despite it all, are living lives of integrity, courage, adventure. Continuing to live lives of great substance!
I can see the parade of Marching Fourth people. We are a force to be reckoned with.
We are fearless, for we know we can survive the unsurvivable.
And, we need the artistry and color to bolster up our souls.
Colorful, bright daring individuals are in my parade!
Marching forth, not only on the 4th of March; but each day and often many times a day.
March out into the world doing that which needs to be done.
March forth with your whole self. Carrying with us and held tenderly our broken hearts and our wounded souls. Lavishly decorating them with what brings us love, peace and joy.
Thanks friend for sharing this with me. I love the parade I am in. I march forth with you all! We don't have to march a straight line, or be brave all the time, we just have to keep going forward; together. We are stronger in a parade! March forth!