On Tim Ferris's podcast last week, there was talk about a Dead Time or Alive Time. This was pertaining to how we will spend our time during the Covid 19 virus.
I see it as something that would be good for all time.
It is good to even understand that there is dead time, and then time that is alive.
And, can you tell the difference between time that is dead and then time that is alive.
Is it the time that is alive or dead, OR is it our souls our spirits the essence of who we are feeling alive or feeling dead?
During this virus crisis, I am not one who is at home, so my time is pretty much the same.
I don't feel like time is dead or at a standstill.
If that were even possible to stop time.
I am wondering if time isn't dead; but we are dead to ourselves. To the part of us that makes us unique.
There are moments when you feel more alive than dead. Times when the inner most part of you feels alive - present and curious.
And then other times where that part of you is silent stifled and feels dead.
We join time.
Our being and time dance through the days.
I used to feel used by time.
That it somehow had its way with me.
What I didn't realize, was that I wasn't free to be me.
The freedom to be myself has given me Alive Days.
I am alive.
It maybe hard to articulate the dead days of following the rules and people pleasing of others. How there were not very many instances where I sprung alive.
Now, it is the opposite.
Even when time is carved out for work. I can decide how I will engage in those hours. Will I numb myself in order to not see the time pass, OR will I be awake to see what pops up in front of me?
I hope that most everyone is finding themselves Alive.
For, we are in the midst of virus crisis, one where folks are dying.
If it isn't you at this time- feel what it feels like to be alive.
In the first few weeks of this Virus, I was in fear of it.
Or perhaps in fear of dying - that I stopped living.
I then decided quite matter of factly, that IF I was going to die from this virus, I best start living. I want my last days to be alive days. I want to be aware of what being alive feels like.
I didn't want my alive time to be full of worry, dread, and being dead inside with fear.
I will instead take the time to live.
I love that my life is full of alive times already.
Maybe Alive Days are days we feel alive inside and have nothing to do with time.
So, as this new virus integrates itself into our worlds, how will it find you?
I don't want have dead days before I die.
Maybe this virus is here to show us how to be alive.
What is important and how we join up with our time that we have today?
When we look back on this time, will we find that we Lived through it or did we hold our breath?
The virus has us paying closer attention to many things. It can be a great teacher if we let it.
For me, time and life feels more precious.
I want to be alive through these days.
And, I hope I appreciate the human interactions of touch and closeness so much more; now that it has been taken away.
I want to feel the aliveness of human connection.
Kisses of baby and their chubby parts.
Hugs of friends.
Touches of kindness.
A hand placed in understanding.
The pause is here to allow us to catch our breath in order to live with more alive days!
Alive days now
During the threat of the virus.
Live as if you might die; for we all are heading that way.
Time isn't dead or alive.
We are.
Live for the moments when time disappears and you are present.