On a podcast, it was suggested that we write about our experiences with Covid 19, so that we can remember how it was for us during this time, and the things that stand out or were a hardship, and even those that improved our lives. Some are even writing one sentence a day depicting your day.
My experiences are as an 'essential worker' and I have kept on working. Not only working, but working harder than in 'normal' times. I am overwhelmed at work. First it was the fear and the unknown of the virus. Once I got used to watching my hands and wiping down the surface of my jeep and keeping things sanitized - sorta, I relaxed into a new routine.
However, the day upon day of heading out with a cart load of packages got tiring by the end of month one. We are soon will be entering into our 4 month.
I have gotten better at sorting the packages and keeping my jeep organized, and even have become accustomed to the large numbers of parcels. It has become a new different work day.
Yet I am tired - and I understand - I order as well. And, I am as many of you are, concerned about how long this goes on, what the future will look like, and how many of those we know will become sick or worse pass on. The stress of the unknown is wearing us down mentally.
I am physically tired, mentally tired and then when you see others acting so neglectfully, you become tired in your thoughts. And disheartened in your fellow humans.
While we are all supposedly working to reopen safely, there appears to be a bit too many who have considered this virus not a threat, and masks not useful. It feels like we are bailing out the boat, and they are splashing about bringing in more.
I feel we would all feel better if we were in the same boat, and working together.
And, the folks who are being civil disobedient, are from churches who I once thought of as caring individuals. Well, some. And, some are from ultra-conservative religions who I am not surprised are not following a rule that originated outside of their religion.
Yet, I am still surprised in their uprising for liberties - when they have given up so many rights to be part of the religion.
I wonder if there is a hierarchy of liberties?
They are free to give up the rights of their woman and their bodies.
They are free to give up the rights of who they are friends with, what they drink, to dye their hair, paint their nails, pierce their ears, tattoo their body, to not have sex prior to marriage etc, oh the list is long. These liberties they have no trouble giving up. But, tell them to wear a mask and social distance, and it is a revolt!
I am quite sure there can't be a reasonable explanation for the lost liberties it requires to be part of their religion in comparison to wearing a mask.
I don't know how they got so sidetracked in this virus. An illness that has now become political - and it feels insane.
This part I have no idea how it works itself out, and before it burns out, it will have us on two sides of living during a pandemic.
I feel odd when I encounter the mask-less. Odd, in knowing they can't be counted on to help the vulnerable, to help the stressed and overworked folks, by working to slow it down.
Instead it feels like they are adding fuel to an already burning fire, while we are trying to spread wet blankets.
We can't know if masks works, if social distancing help, - but doing nothing gets nothing but more sickness.
My emotions are triggered with the divide. I feel the futile nature of what we are trying to do. I feel that the truth isn't being noticed. And, that many are playing into the hands of the virus.
And, there will be a cost.
Sickness will spread and lives will be lost. And for what?
So that you can have your limited liberties?
You may be mask-less, but the lack of the mask is the least of the liberties you have lost.
Imagine the loss of an open mind?
The loss of being an individual.
The loss liberties of being free to be yourself.
And, the loss of caring for the most vulnerable.
Perhaps what adds the most stress is knowing there are those among us, who are self-absorbed, and that behavior adds weight to an already heavy time.
It is hard to even articulate and sort out the different strains a pandemic can have on my life.
What I am trying to do is my part. To at least not make things worse and to make life livable while we traverse through these times. I do go out and do things outside with friends. I am living within the guidelines - and maintaining my good life. Wearing a mask doesn't take away my love, peace and joy.
Mostly the pandemic displayed heroes, and it also displayed fools.
Life often gives us the opportunity to learn about people.
We will remember those who walked with us in ways that didn't weigh us down.
I am happy to be in the company of caring souls.