Below is a link I was given - to help me understand how some churches support Donald Trump.
In listening to this, I do understand more.
I understand why they would not want change to come to a system that their religion fits into so comfortably. One that appears to match their interpretations of the Bible. A system that sees the world, as they see the world.
It matches, and is comfortable.
And, it keeps 'evil' out.
What my experience of my religion was, is that those who didn't believe like us or who would threaten our beliefs, they were evil. If their morals and values didn't match ours, they were seen as threats.
When religion gets into politics, it gets real messy really fast.
Then politics start to look more like a religion - and morals and values are passed through the lens of certain religions. God starts to be pigeon holed into places and removed from others.
Maybe when religion gets into humanity, we all lose.
What I know, is that without a religion, I don't fear anything threatening who I am, what I stand for, and how I live my life. I don't want a religion trying to interfere with my own moral compass.
I am one of the lucky ones. I can freely live as myself - and I have privilege to do so.
Yet, there are many religions whose teachings look down upon others and take away their rights to be themselves. And, often these religions, see themselves are morality keepers.
I listened to Matthew McConaughey's book and a few of his interviews - About "Greenlights" his book.
What he would like to see is all of us agreeing on values as humanity.
What do we as humanity value most?
What will give respect to all?
What are the values that will serve all of humanity, not just a few who happen to look and believe like us.
"the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth..."
"a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life.
What are the principles and standards for being human?
What can our government do to help raise the value of all of us?
Humanity will benefit greatly when all of us are seen as valuable.
What I value is individual-ness, uniqueness - people being their authentic selves. I don't want cookie cutter groups of humanity. I don't want sameness. I want each of us to be able to live fully in our own expressions of who we are.
There are aspects of government that are tricky and messy and when we all work towards value, perhaps we can see clearer.
I don't want a government that values one religion over another. One way to see God over another. One sex of humanity over another, one sexual preference over another...
Mostly the evolution and peacefulness of humanity will be when we all see our individual value as well as the value of all others.
I do think we vote for what matters to us.
What matters to me, is that we all get to live our lives reaching our highest potential.
We will not all rise to the same level or become the same; but we will bring our uniqueness to the world.
A world of beautiful individuals being themselves.
We all lose when there is someone using their power to take away the power of another.
We will all gain, when we can become self-empowered.
A relationship that has two empowered individuals living their lives to their highest - is one that honors each person. That is the humanity I want to live with.
Isn't that what God gave us - our own free will.