"Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable." Cesar A. Cruz.
What is the role of artists in a land that is fueled by division?
What can we as individuals do to balance the imbalance?
When things seem the most insane, what is the sane thing to do?
How can we knit together a human moral and value system that includes all?
My intentions are to support those who are trying to evolve humanity.
Or, even more themselves.
Each of us have one life and live in close proximity with our own truths.
I celebrate those who have adventured into new territories from that which they were raised.
Explored different pathways and byways.
Sought and created friends from different walks of life.
All of this will create a beautiful tapestry of difference; where it will be harder to see the other as 'evil'.
What seems like "evil" is often another way of life.
Another's journey, that we know nothing about.
We can't know where they have walked, and the choices that were available.
Let us all be reminded we are more alike than we are different and help each other out of their complacency of systems that were designed to exclude huge segments of humanity.
As an artist, I will strive to disturb the comfortable.