Here is a link to a podcast I listened to with Adam Grant and his new book "Rethink" with Dax Shepard.
It is long, but interesting in how we as humanity engage with each other.
We all need to take a moment to consider just how much we know.
And, how much we don't know.
Imagine how much of life there is still to explore and learn about.
And, can anyone truly know it all.
Even when they act like they do.
He suggested that those on either ends of the spectrum of extremism know less - not more. Which is what most of us know intuitively as we watch their lives play out.
Each of us act out our thoughts and even intelligence.
We are fond of saying "Who in their right mind would do such and such."
Believing that others see life through the same experiences as we do.
They don't.
We are all indoctrinated into life by our parents and what they believe and what their religion is - by where we live, what is the color our skin, male or female, and what social economic system we live in. And, there is more that teaches us subliminally by how others act in our circles.
There is a lot that was programmed into us without a thought.
I would love for all of us to be willing to Rethink.
I have been shown over the past many years how wrong I was.
How wrong the messages I received growing up were wrong.
How wrong I saw the world, and others in it.
There is much we can all learn, if we Rethink.