My granddaughter asked me, "Grandma what is an heirloom?" We were going through some of her stuff and re-organizing her room. Our day then was spent looking at all the stuff in our house, with new eyes.
Heirloom - "a valuable object that has belonged to a family for several generations."
She wondered how things became heirlooms, and how others did not. There are things she sees value in that would not be classified as an heirloom.
The juxtaposition was not lost on me, how one week I am getting rid of family art and the next weekend looking at heirlooms.
Homes of couples, usually have two families blending together. Our pasts flow with us into our present.
Each of us have values we want to pass on, and others we want to cast aside.
My focus in the past decade and a half has been to re-cast the pattern that is me.
To do my best not to pass on what was given to me.
My intentions were to create something of value to hand down.
The heirlooms I was most concerned were not things.
I wanted to hand down family values.
Values with real value.
Love that holds truth, honesty, integrity, freedom, authenticity, courage...
Love that has boundaries and limits.
Love that honors who you are, what you feel, and will challenge beliefs that feel wrong.
Love that is deep and ever changing - while being the same in substance.
Love that will hold the difficult moments as well as the beautiful joys.
Love that allows each to be true to themselves.
To not have to wear a mask to fit in.
I believe the heirlooms will mean more, if they come from a person of substance. Someone who lived their life unapologetically, and remained true to themselves; always.
No matter what life gave them, they did what was true for them.
My heirloom is of emotional intelligence, to know who you are and be that.
Be that in all ways.
The saddest life to me, is one where you cannot be yourself.
We all know our own truths, they live within us. The grandest life, is when you can live out loud.
May my legacy be "You be You" or as my license plates read "UBEEU".