There is a frustration, and an excitement, when I feel out of control, or more wanting to control - a place that feels familiar to so many past events. A rage and carelessness floods through me.
Mostly it is when plans go awry.
I have an inappropriate reaction to reality.
Or, an appropriate one, coming from whence I came.
When I was old enough to babysit - every few months or so, I would arrive home from school or wake up in the morning and my mother would be gone. Leaving the house to me and all the kids.
It didn't matter to her, what plans I had made, what was going on in my life - her needs eclipsed it.
There was no asking.
I would be plunged into caretaking with a careless heart.
Into her world of raising children.
Lots of children.
Too many for a young girl to handle, on her own for a whole weekend.
Without prep.
Without notice.
Without the proper skills and understandings of child rearing; I was but a child myself.
And, then after a few days, she would appear. She would be there in the morning. Having come back home the same way she left, unannounced.
Her morning wake up call - would announce she was back -"Rise and Shine Everybody".
To which my anger abounded into a full blow rage at her.
Seething inside a volcano of hatred.
For her audacity to have left me in charge.
She appeared to have rallied.
To have found her re-charge.
And, was back - for now.
No explanation.
I never had a way to reach her.
Nor, did I ever know where she went.
This feeling of being in control - but out of control - and to be at the whim of another's choice - has stayed with me.
My responsibleness - and love for my siblings had me doing my best in the worst situations.
Caring for children who were left behind.
I wasn't their mother, but I was left to act like it.
This happened mostly before I could drive.
I wasn't allowed to drive a car; but I was allowed to care for way too many kids.
So, in my nowadays world, when someone abandons plans - my knee jerk reaction is to see my mother's past behaviors.
A question that is asked in the healing of the past is "What does this remind you of."
I wrestle with my emotions and control when others change plans.
It feels deeply hurtful to me.
I feel disregarded.
In a volume way way too loud.
I believe, that these are the expressed emotion I had way back when - when my mother changed her mind on being a Mom, on those weekends.
Her running away, literally - to escape - left me unseen.
Her emotions, her feelings, her life mattered more; than mine.
As a child I didn't have a choice.
I was left in a home with babies and young kids.
Without a parent in charge.
I had to stay and live out the cost of her choice to leave.
I had to bury my resentments and cope.
To be in charge in way that was impossible and way beyond my means.
She would often praise me for the good job I did - or bring home a 'gift' as perhaps payment.
But, my rage and resentment towards her never really got to be fully expressed.
I wasn't able to voice my anger and feelings.
It is the way of a dry drunk. When they are happy, you are not going to bring up the crap and set them off again. In a way, I suppose I was happy she was back - for the simple reason - I was no longer in charge.
I resented the fact that she could pop out of her life whenever she wanted.
I resented the fact that she came back cheerful.
What I didn't know way back then - was all the abuse that was going on in my home, and in my neighborhood. The sheer volume of what she was leaving me in charge of blows my mind.
I have been wondering about the exaggerated feelings - when someone changes plans - and how it affects me so deeply. I tried to find the links backward.
I guess what is even odder, is that now I get left usually having fun - not left in a mess of untold proportions.
I know that my feelings are my problems.
Mine to resolve and express.
And, that anytime I feel out of control - I have given my power to someone else.
Of course as a child - especially in toxic homes - we are powerless.
Powerless is actually the voice of our childhoods.
Not love.
Not responsible love.
Not caring.
But not being seen.
I get me - and my weird overblown responses.
We are formed by our childhood experiences. I seek relationships that are solid and reliable - and I also know that I am the one who needs to be the most solid and responsible - for me.
We are all free to chose - our choices matter.
(For those who don't know. I was the second oldest to 14 children - and the oldest girl.)