So today began the task of writing labels for My Storyline quilts. I have misplaced my book - the one I had made in 2012 -however, I can go online and look at it.
I have three different versions of what the quilt represents.
The book is the oldest version and it is quite remarkable.
I then have the words that hung with the quilts at Copper Country Mental Health.
Then I found 3 pages with short descriptions of each quilt.
Now, I am wondering if I do a fourth, or chose from all three, and have a combination with the hanging quilts.
I wonder if it is best to update and look at the quilt from this moment in time - or stick to the version from ten years ago.
These quilts were created by a woman who had very little understanding of herself, the human journey and her experiences in it. I am once again blown away by my daring to create given my state of being.
I was pushing back boundaries and overstepping lines - going against the grain - even in quilting.
It is like I am seeing hand-me-downs from my old self.
I see so much in each quilt and it brings me back to that time.
How I loved what I was doing with my quilting and how odd it all is - even today.
They are therapy pieces or scraps from my journal.
I can't wait to see them hanging together once again in a new venue.
Now, if I can only find the words or voice I want to use as I write about them.
And, a part of me feels the angst of 'airing my dirty laundry' again.
Another part is excited to give voice to the silence that echoes so loudly - still today.
Many voices speak in these quilts and they are all Me.
Sitting here today - the artist feels so much more secure, alive, aware, and self-accepting.
Looking in my rearview mirror.