Being an artist is a weird thing.
Selling what you play with seems often weirder.
Now that I am retired, I was feeling like I had to become more 'serious' about being an artist.
Like creating more, showing more, selling more, thinking more, doing more, being more....
I don't even know how to be an artist. I just know how to be me.
And, it seems impossible to be serious in creating art.
When the serious tones entered into my art - it felt heavy and a duty and responsible - kinda grown up feeling.
Being a serious artist was not fun.
When I was working, Art was just a side hustle. A thing I did on Sundays.
Or I would sneak it in before work.
I am thinking I have to keep my Art playful and free and a fun thing I do now and again.
It has to be fun and something I do on the side of life. But, not life.
Sorta like sneaking out of life to play like a kid.
Or skipping the seriousness of life and do art.
Tomorrow I will be doing a pop up art display in the Lower Harbor in Marquette as part of Art Week. (3pm until 6pm). A perfect short show.
I was kinda stressing when I was trying to figure out what this display show thing would look like.
Until I remember doing pop up art shows with a friend along Lake Superior.
We just added our art to the trees.
That is exactly what I will do in the Lower Harbor.
And, I have permission to drape my quilts on branches of trees. I am bringing a clothes line in case we
can go from tree to tree.
The part I love the most about doing art is the unexpected, the surprise and delight of what emerges as I play. Same too will be for the Popup Show.
And, I am thinking that there isn't much about life that is serious serious.
Especially once retired.
What I am going to strive for is less and less serious and more playtimes.
Thank God I am not a serious Artist.