What if January was the month of acceptance. The month we made an accounting of all that is - a month of looking deeply into who we are and why.
Often we want changes on the outside - to make the inside happy. Instead of sitting where you are, we want something different.
If I look at my life it is completely on the mark.
Nothing goes unnoticed.
And nothing is out of line.
The sugar I eat adds pounds - as it should.
The miles I walk and bike - add muscle
Peace often follows difficult discussions - clarity feels like peace to me.
Accepting what is - is a restful place to be - for the mind isn't tasked to build 'what ifs'.
Being estranged brings peace and sorrow.
Living with grief - has brought me deep compassion.
Loving myself - with full acceptance, allows me to love others the same.
My only desire is to be me - even when that is hard.
I want to be brave and have courage to always speak what is true for me.
I want to share feelings - especially the negative ones.
I love love and am so grateful my heart feels the freedom of love.
May I continue to live as me, as honestly as I can - even when it hurts others.
Perhaps especially then.
My own happiness, love, joy and peace has to be first. It is from there I can give the same freedom to others.
This quote came to mind from Byron Katie.
"I don't know what's best for me, you or the world. I don't try to impose my will on you or anyone else. I don't want to change you or improve you or convert you or help you or heal you. I just welcome things as they come and go. That's true love. The best way of leading people is to let them find their own way."
It may be that my hourglass is now on the side of running low - but I am way more content to be me - and love doing what I love, and being with those I love and find joy and peace with.
January starts a new year of being you.
I hope you too can find the courage to be more of yourself, to speak your truths and to make choices that reflect the deepest part of you.
Have courage to live your joys and do things that make you happy. Some of us were not taught to play and live a life of joy. Maybe this will be my word of the year Play.
"Do not wish to be anything but what you are." Saint Francis de Sales