How many people are aware of things they are wrong about? Most of us were not taught discernment or have the ability to change our minds/beliefs.
I was raised in a black and white world. I was taught that 'our' church is the only church going to heaven. I was taught that everyone outside of the church was evil. I was programmed to see the world with a myopic lens. Very very narrow and completely and utterly wrong.
It was embarrassing and mind blowing and brilliantly thrilling to see how wrong I was.
I am not sure I can articulate the mind I had and how I saw the world. How I saw a father instead of a pedophile, a mother instead of an accomplice, a church of high morals and values instead of a cult that covered up generation upon generation of sexual abuse, physical abuse, and blessed away the truths.
Not only was I not in the 'right' church, I wasn't even in my right mind. I had been completely brainwashed.
Why I am writing about this is there are so many 'christian' folks who believe they are dead to right on so many issues that are anything but black and white. They believe that they can see the world and the people in it through the correct lens.
But, their moral high ground - is not filled with morality integrity compassion or love.
I would have sworn years ago that my mother was a woman of substance, that she would not have tolerated any evil doings. For the love of God, she didn't allow television, earrings and make-up, swearing, lying and cheating - when we were growing up. She didn't believe in birth control or divorce or stepping out of her faith. The list of sins are long and she abided by them. She was a christian. She was a member of the First Apostolic Lutheran Church. She belonged and was accepted and she viewed the outside world as worldly, evil and any number of negative adjectives. And YET. She was married to a pedophile. Knew it. Covered it up. Helped him.
There seems to be this really weird compartmentalizing that goes on.
Where they have their faith.
The faith that is unshakable and blocks seeing any evil INSIDE of the religion. Inside of their homes. But the outside oh man the wrong doings they can see. AND the judgement on those folks.
They literally cannot see how backwards they see and how it has dire consequences for the innocent children in their charge.
Many of the conservative christian women have given up the rights to their own bodies.
In some little ways and then in life altering ways. They are controlled and don't know it.
These closed minded folks believe THEY should be the ones deciding things.
Based on what???
Years and years of living in a small tight circle of likeminded folks - being controlled by the elders?
Who have sat in judgement and condemned those who live differently.
Folks who have not been able to see themselves from the outside looking in.
I only knew how backwards I was, when my world flipped upside right.
The world wasn't backwards, I WAS.
I cannot emphasize this enough. I WAS WRONG.
What I know to be most true is the feelings I had towards myself and others while IN the church and the how my feelings change after leaving.
The night and day difference is mind shattering. Literally.
While they may feel love, compassion, joy and peace IS in the conservative church and that forgiveness of sins IS the only way to heaven and being in the one right and true church, it is all fear.
Fear of the outside.
Fear of sins.
Fear of the body and it's connection to the devil (we were told)
Fear of hell
Fear of not following, conforming, not being part of.
The list of fears are endless.
There are grown ass adults who won't leave - due to the shunning. They are not staying in because of LOVE, they are in the church out of fear of finding out there is no love when you leave.
If these religions were based on love.
Love is freedom.
They would not want to be in charge of making choices for anyone. Period.
Love doesn't have conditions.
Love honors truths.
Love doesn't control.
Love allows others to be who they were born to be.
Love lets each person walk their own walk - knowing we don't know what is in their hearts.
Love doesn't take their power away.
Love empowers.
The only church I have found that can embrace my wide open heart and mind is nature.
When my world was falling a part. I no longer fit into my family of origin and the old church members began to shun me. I was fully accepted and embraced by the sunshine, the earth, the trees; nature.
My nature matched it.
My imperfections were perfect.
What I want women to know is your choices is yours.
Your journey is yours.
Your heart knows what it knows.
Empowered women, empower women.
If this reversal shows anything, it will show the narrow cold hearts of so many christians. It is through narrow eyes and fear full hearts they see the world.
My question is, who is on the right side of this? Who has the most open mind and heart? Who walks with compassion and will hold up these women who find themselves in circumstances that few will know unless they walked there.
I don't believe folks can make laws/rules etc until they have walked in those shoes.
I know many conservative faithful women are standing in righteous contempt and believe to the depth of their souls they get it and are voting for a life.
I am also quite sure there are leagues of women who have blessed away sins of sexual abuse of a child - and think they are child advocates. Really.
I know from my experiences, women of my old church who will stand against abortion; but cannot, will not, stand against the men who are hurting children. They can't stand for the children in the congregation - let alone an unknown, unborn child.
I have spoken to many over the years who know someone in their family is committing sexual assault on children - but the only thing they get from our conversations, in the end - is that I am trying to get them to leave the church, to put down their faith and they won't.
I am not.
I am trying to get them to see that a child's innocence may be worth more than their faith. They disagree. The conversations stop.
They will not leave the church.
How can they stand for up for a child. AND, one that is outside of their church?
Come on. We are all soiled evil unbelievers -and I am worse I left.
I know this is off the subject. But, what I want to share is how backwards their minds, hearts and beliefs are. AND, these are the ones who are saying they stand for a child.
No they don't.
They stand for their faith. Period.
It only sounds christian like to stand for a child.
But, if you won't stand for yours, how will you stand for one outside of your faith.
I know this is a long and rambling post.
But I have no faith in the women of faith.
The women who put their faith before anything. Anything even their own child.