What I believe we learn about ourselves, when we put ourselves in a new situation, is how flexible we are. It tweaks our image and keeps it fluid.
I am a mystery to myself. I can't know what new challenge is up ahead OR how I will respond, and in what ways it will change me.
I have gone through quite a transformation over the past many years and I believe, have become more of myself and in some ways no one I can recognize as me.
Daring to be the last in the Triathlon takes courage; to be surrounded by very fit well trained athletes and join them - partially.
They were quite remarkable in how they easily achieved these tasks, and yet their focus was on speed. How fast can I do these miles???
I wondered about their mindset before the race, what was their goal?
Where mine was to finish, they were striving to better their times.
Stronger and faster.
Perhaps so was I.
Maybe the more that you do, the more new avenues open up.
It starts with just a bike ride and before you know, you are lined up with some badass biker folk!
As I pedaled along in my "going for a bike ride" speed, I wondered about what drives them to push their bodies so well trained and in awesome physical shape?
I thought, we were all battling something as we moved through our stages of the triathlon.
I felt a bit teary as I thought of me and how I stood out - differently.
And, how used to it, I have gotten.
Comfortable and okay not being like the others, yet fully being my own self.
This is what grows my confidence.
Entering into places that I have not gone before and doing something I could not have imagined.
I mean, really, a Copperman Triathlon Team???
To bike 23.5 miles without stopping - once. Staying on the bike on all hills, and "racing" in the fastest speed you have available to You.
Doing you own best - with others whose best way way out distance you.
I believe the top female did the whole Triathlon alone, in just over an hour and a half! Isn't that amazing.
We all arrived and did the best we could. And, we all left looking differently at ourselves.
It gave me more confidence to enter into the arena and Be Me.
I stuck out, my bike stood out, and yet together we are a perfect fit.
We grew in the confidence of what we can do and how much more is left untapped.
Oh, the places Liv and I will go!
The only barrier is your belief; you can't.
I dared to challenge the mind.
What it believes of me, is most often a lie.
It worried and wanted us to stay home.
Doing nothing.
Oh, what I would have missed.
I like to believe, that we added something. A hope, and inspiration and a smile...someone may now take a chance next year. They will think, "If she can do it, so can I".
They hand out these medals "Finisher". I love that.
It is one thing, to say your are going to, it is quite another to do it.
I did it.
I finished, what I said I would do.