How would you live life if there wasn't the application of forgiveness?
If all your actions were accountable and traveled with you?
Are there choices you would no longer make?
My views on forgiveness have changed completely. I used to believe it was kind of me to wipe away sins from others- to forgive and move on as if that sin didn't happen. This was kindness to me.
When applying forgiveness - it never occurred to me that - it was a mind game.
It was a thought process - and usually left me feeling resentful.
I was taught to forgive.
That it was MY way to heaven.
And it wasn't my business to care or judge the sins of others. My 'job' was to act and feel that the 'sin' had been removed.
Forgiveness was the magic eraser - and we all then had to believe IT was gone.
It was a mind shuffle at best.
My mind was conditioned to do this magical exercise - and it didn't allow for my feelings or emotions or even the reality of what happened. I was made to live in pretend land.
This land of pretend - often overlooks the hurt that is done - for I guess we don't forgive what is right. Only the wrong things.
When you are made to live denying hurtful behavior - you are only seeing one side of a person - the dark side isn't to be mentioned. We live with the potential - but not the real.
This may seem like madness to those not raised on the forgiveness of sins. It was the way of heaven. In order to arrive in heaven one day - you must forgive and be forgiven.
Forgiven of sins.
Each church and religion have their own set of what a sin is.
This tool often means you don't really really really have to change, you can repeat the behavior that is wrong - because there is this application to wipe clean what you did.
It boggles my mind now - that I lived believing in this.
When you no longer have this tool - your choices matter more.
Again, what if your sins truly don't go anywhere, but those choices live upon your heart?
It was an interesting and horrifying visual to see the sins of my father being repeated for decades. The sins (choices) were repeated upon new victims. Forgiveness didn't change my father - rather it allowed him to sin again.
In my old religion (First Apostolic Lutheran Church) the focus only glanced briefly at the sinner - but we were made to feel worse than the criminal IF we didn't forgive.
The onus was on the victim to keep the reputation and character of the sinner in good standings.
It is a co-dependent relationship at best - but one where it is impossible to leave the victim position. And the sinner never appears to have to wear their sins. They are often hidden by forgiveness.
Is it truly unkind to make others wear their choices?
Living without forgiveness for almost 20 years has made me much more accountable to myself. I know the steps I take will be recorder upon my spirit.
Perfection is not what I am aiming for - nor do I feel that it is up to others to maintain my character.
No one comes in with all the answers or the right choices to make in life. Each time life presents us with a choice, we will live with the consequences of that choice. It lives with us.
We are composed of our life's choices.
The poor choices I made while under the influence of a brain washed mind - live inside of me. The years of denial and blindness accumulated a burden of consequences that overwhelmed me when I understood that all I forgave - was for naught.
Forgiveness now feels like a swear word to me.
And kindness a cloak of blindness.
There is a meaning of forgiveness that resonates with me - "Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different, but we cannot move forward if we're still holding onto the pain of that past and wishing it was something else."
In giving up hope that the past could have been any different - it set me free.
I was made to sit with what is.
It is interesting how the pain did eventually subside once I sat with the lost hope.
Who knew that giving up hope for things to be different could be so life changing.
Without the hope of things being different - I could sit in what was - and I could feel the angst of the reality of the sins that lay at my feet - mine, theirs and how these choices create a pretend reality.
It seems insane that a life without forgiveness is so kind.
And, I am not even sure I use Hope anymore. Not the hope that is like a prayer for things to change.
I just live with what is - and I am okay with the sins I carry - for I when I knew better - I did better.
My heart's content holds all my life's choices - I carry the weight of my heart.
Without the hope that my past could be any different - I feel peace today.
And my future lives in the reality of this moment of time.