I am reading her book "Between Two Kingdoms" - well listening to her read her book. I love the way she re-frames things in order for her to really live life.
We often feel like there is a 'correct' way of being.
And, that after life interrupting events, there is a 'normal' place that is waiting for us to arrive.
What I know from experience, the quicker you can disregard the ideas of normal - or believing that you are 'supposed' to be this way or that, the quicker you will find a new stride.
The new stride doesn't have to feel easy or comfortable.
The new way of being means you are okay with you.
The 'after' you.
She is right in saying that the hardest part was after the trauma. The hard part is to integrate back to a life.
A life that now holds a stranger - You.
It isn't as if life itself all alters and reflects your own changes. Instead we have to adjust ourselves in order to hop back on the merry-go-round called life.
Some of my hardest days came long after leaving my family.
Long after the last conversation.
More, the hardest part of all, was becoming the new version of me that now held sexual abuse -dysfunctional family- toxic religion. How do I live as this?
She talks about leaving the hospital without the inner scaffolding inside of her.
THIS, I know way too well.
Inside of us, unbeknownst to us, is a scaffolding that holds us up.
It is who we know ourselves to be, and fit into the world around us.
You don't know know that it is there - but you will certainly know when it is no longer there.
Learning to re-build a life after a life interrupting event - takes time.
And, Fearlessness.
an, open heart
and the belief that you can live a life worth living again.
That you can take the heart that has been shattered, and love from there.
My second build of scaffolding was done by me.
It was directed by me.
It is strongly structured by things I know that strengthen me and bring me love, peace and joy.
Early on I realized the before me would never live again.
I had to find a way to be me, without her and what she was built of.
It is hard to describe the hollow scary spot you get left in - when your scaffolding collapses.
When there is very little that is holding you up.
I love how she sees the world of two kingdoms and how we move between the two.
Yet, in estrangement - we mostly are divided into one camp or the other.
It is rare for us to move between.
You are either in the family, or out of it.
So, while she worked to assimilate back into society and find a new self.
I was more learning to live without a family and be that girl - in society.
Our society has placed great value in family.
With reason.
I too believe in family.
When family has a pure core.
It is funny, in a peculiar way, that in order to save my own family - I had to leave my family of origin.
If we live long enough, all of us will face some kinds of interruptions in our lives.
The lives we believe will go on forever will, at some point, be changed.
And, when that happens, you will have to change - in order to live whole.
Accepting the unacceptable - is to live whole.
Bringing with you all the broken parts and live and love from there.
I have felt that the cost of leaving my family had to equal the value of my new life.
I needed and sought out a life worth having.
I intentionally brought in what made my heart happy.
I wasn't interested in doing or being fake for the sake of someone or something.
I needed/wanted a scaffolding of value - as this new me.
The biggest lesson we can learn from her, is that we don't need to be defined by what happened to us, and that we can change who we are when life changes us. And, that all life dark times don't last forever and we can have a wider broader and deepened sense of self - after.
We should teach more of how life can change us.
How we can live more than one self in our life times.
I love the 2.2 version of Me.
I will be her - until...