I have a few days between my Art Workshop and now; space to digest its process. Was it a success based on teaching Art? And, how do you gauge the success, or failure, as a teacher?
What the class taught me, was that my process is but one way to do art quilts. It is my way; but not the way.
There isn't a right or wrong; but what feels like your linear process.
We process and see the world differently and approach the end, by different avenues.
I looked up the definition of Art - the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination.
I know I was split between having them do what I do, and allowing them to do what they wanted. When you take a class about Lady Art Quilts, do you expect to do a lady, OR are you looking to do the technique?
Do you teach your art, or do you teach their art.
I will learn more IF I continue to teach workshops on Art Quilts.
More about me as an Artist, as well as the art I do, and how I do it. And, also what seems to inspire others, and what places a block in front of them.
The expansiveness without patterns brings a freedom that is hard to teach.
It is to lead, but only a little.
What you mostly want is for them to become excited by what they are creating.
A friend shared this Art Quilter with me. She is so very liberated in her techniques!
I would love to see and feel her quilts in real life. And, I like how diverse her art is. She gives us all permission to just do what we feel like!
I like that she's explaining just one part of her Art. Her technique seems to the the same, cut as you go and stay wonky and relaxed.
I love how she has someone sew for her and then iron. This allows them to be involved and learning while helping her. I will have to try this way.
Watching her helps me to just relax and just be me as a teacher.
It is hard to see myself teaching while I teach.
I may have to play with doing some videos of what I do. Just to get used to explaining or even slowing down to see the process unfold. And maybe to feel what is the most important to convey.
What I love the most about Art quilts is that we are lowering the lines where the rules used to be. We are allowing you to do what feels most exciting. And, to live on the edge of the unknown. All artists, I believe, are surprised with their finished product.
I think Freddie also says, we all know how to do it, we just think we don't.
Perhaps we don't know the 'right' way, but we can all figure out the way.
Especially if you truly believe there is no wrong way to do art quilts. We can make representations of what our imaginations picture.
Teaching my art is a great way to understand my art.
And, even more to understand Me.
Teaching art is another art form. Another doorway that will expand my horizons.
I am sure my teaching will evolve just as my art and My Lady have.
And, my first class will look nothing like my 50th class.
Teaching is something that I would like to explore more to see if it will be part of who I am.
Perhaps if I can only teach the art of being themselves and doing what feels exciting, and liberating from the lines and patterns of traditional quilting.
To celebrate the overall feeling and expression of their imaginations!