I had a conversation with a woman who does massages, and she shared that sometimes while massaging a body, it will release sorrow. She also knows that there are oils that will help the body release emotional stress from the body.
I had wondered out loud, how that would be to have the body release things without the self knowing the story or history of the stress….like crying for no reason.
This reminded me of how I had cried for hours while driving home from Green Bay the summer before my father's secret became known. How I had no reason in the world to cry, yet cry I did. And it wasn't just silent tears flowing, but racking sobs. Yet in my head or thoughts, nothing was there to support the sorrow.
If my father's story hadn't come forth, I would have just had this mysterious event, isolated from my 'normal' life an oddity…sorrow out of nowhere and attached to nothing, a rogue wave of immense sorrow...leaving my body.
Now that I know my history, it does makes sense.
That leaves me to wonder about making the body cry or releasing sorrow without knowing why, without the background story?
Will the body be less stressed? Or will the crying jag make you wonder where the unease comes from?
Very interesting to me to hear the body can release without the mind or consciousness knowing the cause.
In yoga, often times when my body is particularly sore or perhaps even after going deep into postures, I will express tears.
Yet, I know that I have had childhood sexual abuse, that is my root and it is lodged in the cells of my body…so it makes sense for me.
To me, it just seems better knowing what you are crying about…than to release tears in the body without knowing why.
If I had just released in the body, my body would continue to gather stress as I continued with my old life. For I would have been in the same dysfunctional relationships, operating with the same thoughts and beliefs that grew from dysfunction. So, while a massage can rid the body of stress, it can't stop the body from going back and gathering more stress for there is no new awareness.
Perhaps massage, oils, and yoga is best used when you know your root source…when you are discovering your history.
Otherwise you again, are crying for no reason….at least no reason that you know of.
And if you don't know what you are doing to cause stress in your body, you will continue to be the stress magnet and the massages will be endless.
Getting down to the root source, to me, is the only way to stop being a stress gatherer.